Tonya Sneed. Before and After Photos
About Tonya:
Tonya Sneed is a weight-loss consultant who has experience counseling clients one-on-one and teaching weight loss classes in her home and through her city's park district.
Tonya completed the certificate program in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies through eCornell in 2015. She has also received training in nutrition and weight loss as a participant in Dr. John McDougall’s 10-day program in 2012 and as a resident at TrueNorth Health Center in 2016 and 2018.
About Chapter 2:
Chapter 2 is a weight loss training program, which provides advice, information, and resources for losing weight in a healthy and sustainable manner using an exclusively plant-based diet. This educational program equips participants with the necessary knowledge and tools for losing weight and maintaining weight loss without hunger.
Chapter 1 represents our former way of eating and our former understanding of diet and dieting, whereas Chapter 2 represents a new life-transformative way of eating and a new revolutionary understanding of diet and dieting.
Welcome. . .your second chapter awaits you!